BSMOD Changelog


v0.5.18a -- 2021.09.08

-Fixed equipment kits not breaking on death
-Fixed item_money cleanup not working
>Mapadd spawned item_money will not be affected by cleanup
-Fixed kicking ragdolls with equipment on them
-Fixed kicking item_ammo_crate not opening
-Fixed weapons being picked up by USE key not registering into player's weapon roster (Thanks Zak)
-Fixed Money HUD not displaying correct value at all
-Fixed npc_create_equipment command
-Fixed being able to unfreeze item_shop_item with kick
-Fixed SVD being able to change firemode while reloading

-Improved grabbity glove detection (not really I think)
-Grabbity glove now allows players to shoot. But you can't reload!

-New console commands for using ironsight key as secondary attack
>sm_ironsightsecondary_weapon (Only applies to weapons with no ironsights)
-sm_gore_raggib_interacttime; How many seconds before raggib becomes client ragdoll
-Renamed some console commands, nothing serious just added a _ to separate
-Removed .npc and .npceq command

-Money can only be dropped by enemies, and only if player is the killer
-Headshot kills will no longer play death sounds
-Money will always be given to player on kills. Disabling money drops will deposit money directly into players wallet
-Reduced max ragdolls to 16 as default
-Proper cleanups
-Equipment kits rewritten
-Moved lots of meat gibs to client side, now you can have a lot of them on screen!
-New weapon adjustments and ironsight adjustments
-Forced crosshair to be white temporarily
-AK47 now supports empty reloads
-New AK47 and Greasegun sounds
-Pistol yaw fixes, new ironsight firing animations for pistol, AK47 and Greasegun by SourceEnthusiast
-New MP5 model by SourceEnthusiast
-Background VTF by OneManShow
-Prisonguard model not appearing in d2_prison levels fixed
-GeneralEcchi's new muzzleflash particles!
-HUD update, added firemode hud (currently only mp5 is using it)
-GeneralEcchi's 4.6x30 ammo icon


v0.5.17a -- 2021.08.15

- Fixed kicking doors down causing area portals to remain
- Fixed kicking doors down angles being all over the place
- Fixed friendly turrets hating Gordon after load game
- Removed 'sm_gore_gib_eatsound' command. Now all eat sounds use soundscript of 'Gordon.Eat'
- Added SourceEnthusiasts niku2 gibs
- Added BIZ mapadd updates (see .../mapadd/_changelog.txt for details)
- Added my own d1_trainstation_01 mapadd
- .45 ammo pickup is now 20 (from 8)
- Fixed annoying gravity gun effect stuck on weapons on load game
- Increased base kicking power. No longer uses weight of props
- Kicking oil drums now set it on fire
- Fixed stickygibs not obeying cleanup
- Added money cleanup. Can't have too many coins :P
- Added command `sm_weapon_friendlylower`, default 0
- Headshot kills will give you more monies
- Possibly made it easier for food and gibs/raggibs for use detection
- Kicking vent grates and planks will break it instantly now
- Fixed prop_ragdoll props having no collision with player on load
- Ragdolls punted up by gravity gun will now collide with everything
- Mapadd removeentity supports modelname now
- Train drivers has stopped accepting bribes, money will no longer stop trains
- Food and money will go through playerclips now
- Mapadd code cleanup
- instant_trigs with no labelname will no longer show "LabelName: "
- instant_trig "islived" added
- instant_trig "push" and "pushdir" added
- instant_trig "hurt" and "hurttype" added
- Kicking NPCs will take your velocity into account
  >Sprint kick = knockback further than default
  > Sprint jump kick = knockback even further
- Fixed coin HUD and some other elements
- Fixed grabbity able to yoink from NPCs
- Fixed grabbity yoinking weapons not allowing player to pickup ammo
- Proper cleanup for .sequence
- .move and .rotate will no longer interrupt .sequence
- New commands .npc and .npceq added. Basically npc_create and npc_create_equipment but lesser to type
- npc_create/npc_create_equipment/.npc/.npceq does not need prefix npc_ and weapon_ anymore. Just type in the npc type immediately. eg. npc_create metropolice or .npc metropolice
- Fixed mapadd removeentity not removing entities fast enough on map spawn
- Fixed NPC melee animations to use separate animations based on their weapons and unarmed
- Added new animations for weapon melee
- Weapon melee now detects weapon script's "anim_prefix" to check which animations to use
- Fixed vortigaunts having their targetname changed on spawn
- SVD now has an alternative firemode (STILL WIP!)
- SVD commands include
  > sm_weapon_svd_bulletinvertyaxis
  > sm_weapon_svd_bulletcurveamount_x
  > sm_weapon_svd_bulletcurveamount_y
  > sm_weapon_svd_bulletmaxpenetration
- Firemode key added to keyboard list


v0.5.16a -- 2021.08.03

-Fixed able to grabbity shops
-Fixed magazine spewing blood (You should not be able to pickup magazines anymore)
-Fixed mattresses bleeding
-Fixed gibs not being able to eat
-Fixed doors not being able to open
-Fixed Combinekazee not kill-able by vehicle
-Fixed food causing physics to go through the floors and crashing the game
-Gordon has descended deeper into madness and can now eat stickygibs again
-Fixed torso zombies spawning pants when hit with shovel
-Fixed zombies split in half missing blood
-Nerfed greasegun firerate
-Added Ecchi's stunstick effects
-New Ecchi's gore effects
-Fixed faces/heads not being able to get decal-ed (except metropolice)


v0.5.15a -- 2021.07.31

-Added new ammos: SVD, 45acp, 7.62, Flechette, Scissors
-Fixed AK47 melee, polished AK47. Uses 7.62 ammo
-Added MP5. Current a clone of SMG1, will get tweaks in the future. Uses smg1 ammo
-Added Grease Gun. Has melee function. Uses .45acp ammo
-Added Flechette Rifle. Uses Flechette ammo
-Added SVD. Bulletcam will be added in the future. Uses SVD ammo
-Added Suitcase
-Added CitizenPackage
-Fixed viewmodel rotating on zoom
-Added glueblob model for physgun
-Added Scissors. Uses Scissors ammo
-Added Shovel (Fly/Split zombies in half)
-Fixed throwables (grenade/SLAM) not disappearing on pickup
-Added new magazine models

-Fixed Alyx doing zombie poses in vehicles
-Added 'ignoreflip' to npc_turret_floor. Will still function if upside down
-Added magazine drops for NPCs
-Added new reload animations for NPCs
-Added magazine model specification in weapon scripts, "MagazineModel"
-Added NPC reload sounds in weapon scripts. Use "magout_npc", "magin_npc" and "rack_npc"
-Alyx now can be painted with decals
-Added various combine skins according to biome
-New citizen command effect
-Fixed NPCs using melee weapons destroying their own equipment
-Added pre-set equipment kits
-NPCs default drop moneh

-Fixed Jalopy lights
-Fixed Jeep's missing gauss gun
-Fixed Jeep's ammo box being unusable
-Added lights to Jeep
-Brightened up vehicle headlights
-All vehicles can use headlights now
-Fixed Jalopy crashing on handbrake

-Added .draw command for mapadds instant_trigs
-Added item_shop_item
-Added wildcards for removeentity
-Made "rotate" function working on instant_trig (althought it doesnt actually rotate)
-Fixed mapadd radius on save/load
-Added label name text boxes onto instant_trigs for easier references
-Fixed instant_trigs not activating when radius is at 0, and is touching world
-Added .teleport command to teleport player to worldspace

-Improved gore particles
-Gibs spawned are invulnerable for awhile to prevent insta-popping
-Decreased head blood stream time
-Increased brain matter count on headshots
-Stickygibs in unreasonable positions gets deleted immediately
-New gore effects and particles
-Improved headshot particles
-Improved damage detection for decapitations
-Added new head gibs and head explosion gibs/particles
-Can now eat raggibs (yum)
-Decapitations will lead to NPCs ragdolling immediately, elliminating deathanimation

-Updated Fists/Kick smoke effects
-Grabbity can yoink items/weapons from corpses now
-Added money!
-Increased kick force for ragdolls and killing NPCs
-Increased kick physics on prop_physics
-Player viewmodel detects walls and will retract when too close
-Removed gangsta mode (it was a joke initially it wasnt supposed to last long)
-Some UI changes

-Added surfaceproperties.txt from ep2
-skeleton_whole.mdl now uses correct 'bone' material type
-Turned off autoaim by default
-Added X and Y position modifier for weapon scripts "TextureData" fonts
-Added explosion variant bs_expl4, bs_expl5 and bs_expl6. Choose between the 3 in particle_names.txt


v0.5.14a -- ???

- Lost forever...


v0.5.13a -- 2021.05.22

-Fixed stickygibs blocking some func_trains for some reason
-Fixed stickygibs sticking on clip brushes
-Fixed experimental ragdolls crashing on birds
-Fixed some sounds being global
-Fixed damage filters not applying to NPCs (This fixes Alyx dying too quick, and certain areas where NPCs aren't supposed to die)
-Fixed d2_coast_08 blackout level transition
-Added "random" for item_food. Will spawn a random food from the foodlist.txt

-Fixed numerous bugs with the system
-Cleaned up jank code
-Priority goes....
>Targetname > Specific Map > Wildcard Map > Default
-Added 'gibsamount' to Equipment Kits
-Reduced the number of gibs combine armour spawn

-Added weapon_stunstick
-Added weapon_slam

-Updated bsmoddev
-Updated bsm_shootingrange

-Added KlubKanal
-Fixed instant_trig delays
-Fixed a whole bunch of stuff
-instant_trig now accepts regular triggers 'spawnflags' input
-'spawnflagsonly' keyvalue added. Turning this on will use spawnflags as the main detectors (unless you have touchname, touchclass specified)
-Priority goes:
>Touchname/Touchclass > Filter_Activatiors > SpawnFlags


v0.5.12a_fix -- 2021.05.14

Last patch had some crashes which are fixed in this version, retains same numbered desigantion.

-Possibly fixed whackass physics on mapadd spawn items
-Fixed deactivating ironsight using wrong speed
-sm_ragdoll_jointfrictionscale_min/max now actually working
-Fixed item_* not freezing in mapadd
-Fixed doors unable to interact after opening it
-Significantly reduced the damage force on decap
-Sawblades are now solid after sticking into walls
-Kicking doors open will damage entities behind the door. Players affected too
-Humanoid ragdolls now have headshots
-Added ability to decap other part of the limbs
-Reduced bleed time for head decaps
-Added experimental "endorphin" inspired ragdolls
-Added gangsta mode. Don't expect too much I did it in like 15 mins for fun

-NPCs now can kick doors open
-NPCs also now have animations to open doors
-Combineguard now has a model again
-Fixed the unholstering crash
-Fiddled with SMG1 reload animation

-sm_weapon_drawanimationscale (This will be moved to individual weapons scripts. Temporarily here for now)


v0.5.12a -- 2021.05.06

-More tweaks to the hand/leg viewmodels. Now should be supporting fine for MOST models. Hand viewmodel has a fail safe. If model cant be used, try using the c_arm variant on it. Make sure the model name has "c_arms" in it though.
-Reduced ragdoll_limb_head health from 50 to 30
-Made it easier to pop someones head off on kill
-Stickygibs now stick to props and follows them
-Fixed ability to decap vortigaunt's head

-Can change weapon in vehicles now
-Improved tracers
-Fixed ironsight deactivation being ugly
-Readjusted some weapon positions + ironsights (if you have custom, dont use mine!)
-Gordon doesn't eat weapons after he picked their ammo up anymore
-Added unfinished weapon_ak47 for fun (It's very raw, and will be worked on in the future)
-This time it SHOULD stop viewmodels from disappearing



v0.5.11a -- 2021.05.04

-Fixed npc_combine_s unable to perform any scripted sequences
-Fixed hands disappearing after picking up stuff
-Enhanced custom hands/leg models. Now you are able to use any model as your hands and legs!
-Disabled view lag from unarmed hands/legs
-Fixed player able to use hands in vehicles (You can still grabbity in vehicles though)
-Made it easier to break item_foodcrates
-Removed 2 kick animations from v_kick.mdl. Only has the OG animation now
-Removed the "HD" suit model for default hands and legs. Now uses OG hands and OG SMOD leg models
-Removed Gordon Super Jump/Power Stomp until I find a better way to implement it

-Weapon adjust view via script added
-Console viewmodel adjust added
-Ironsights added (See keyboard list for new keybind), increases accuracy

EXPERIMENTAL (Subject to changes)
-Vehicle weaponry. Use your in-hand weapon with secondary fire
-Head decap (Death by, or keep shooting a ragdolls head)
-sm_ragdoll_limb_head_health command for ragdoll head health
-Stump model by SourceEnthusiast

-vm_adjust_enable (just type in vm_ and you'll see the list of angle/offset commands)


v0.5.10a -- 2021.04.25

-Added weapon_physcannon and item_suit to givemapaddtools command
-Fixed emplacement gun not firing bullets (yay)
-Fixed white flashes on damage taken after getting hit by acid
-Fixed sm_gore_damage_gibs 0 not playing headshot FXs
-Grabbity glove re-added again
-Ragdolls can now be picked up/punted by gravity gun
-Fixed gibs not being able to get picked up by gravity gun
-Reduced alien gibs weight. For some reason they are heavvyyy. Maybe its compensated for gravity on other planets idk
-Fixed item_equipments not releasing from ragdolls after ragdoll gibbed
-Fixed annoying console spam on item_equipment
-Fixed HUD flashlight
-Fixed HUD Squad

-Can yoink items/weapons from a certain distance
-Press and hold to scan an item. Once an item that can be yoinked is selected, release grabbity key to yoink
-Keyboard updated with grabbity key

-Fixed min/max not working
-Fixed Touchclass/Touchname. Now should also take-in all forms of entities as detector if specified
-Fixed custom model applying on NPC
-Fixed weapon_clipboard bucket location
-New weapon_clipboard model by SourceEnthusiast
-.sequence now prints out the scripted_sequence data

-ep2_outland_03 done
-ep2_outland_04 done

-Fixed Shove directional checks
-Fixed NPCs using Stunsticks/Crowbar not using weapon stats (this also fixes Gordon knockout on meeting Alyx in d1_trainstation_04)
-Fixed Metrocops with melee weapons doing double melee attacks in one
-Increased shoved NPC's environment detection
-Shoved NPCs will now push small objects away and wont get stopped by them. Bigger objects/heavier or physics props that have no motion enabled will stop NPCs from moving. Pushed objects by NPC will take small amounts of damage
-Shoved NPCs when shoved into a door will go thru it rather than stopping, unless its locked
-Fixed moth pigeons
-Added npc_turret_floor_shotgun
-NPCs now can survive higher heights
-NPCs who are falling and land on another NPC, will kill the bottom NPC instantly
-Added npc_antlionguardian and npc_antlion_worker spawn support
-npc_antlion/worker gets flipped when kicked
-Increased distance from kicking zombie torsos, fastzombies, houndeyes and antlions. Your custom kick powerscale settings affects the distance
-Moved antlion/worker gibs to npc_gib_model, they are no longer hardcoded
-npc_antlion_grub's now take force damage on death. They do not gib
-Improved gruntbirthdayparty. Do a flip!
-Gave Vortigaunts the ability to get headshotted. No more immunity!
-Fixed item_equipments not releasing from ragdolls after ragdoll gibbed
-Sort of fixed kicking NPCs on displacement ground
-Fixed NPCs screaming when using a jump node
-Fixed excessive amount of force when NPCs are kicked into a wall and dies

NPC SPEECH ((bees))
-Added falling speech identifier
-Replaced npc_citizen pain dialogue with episode 1 pain dialogue, citizens now have seperate damage and death sounds
-Added episode 1 specific comments when fighting antlions, citizens will only shout these combat barks when on one of the ep1 maps
-npc_citizen will now also point out npcs that can't be identified with stuff like "what is that"

PARTICLES (GeneralEcchi)
-Some sweet new particles added
-Birthday party confetti (go nuts)
-New fire
-New explosion
-Sweet Houndeye S U C C and sonic wave
-Grabbity glove
-Citizen command now have a visual/audio cue
-Mapadd's .getent now have a visual/audio cue

-bsmoddev updated

-sm_gore_decal_chance added
-.clipboard (this is to define the model you want to spawn. Use model path here)
-sm_mapadd_getentitylocation replaced with .getent
-sm_mapadd_getplayerlocation replaced with .getplayer


v0.5.9a -- 2021.04.04

- item_foodcrate added
- item_food added
- Added ragdoll cleanup
- g_ragdoll_max_count default bumped up to 32, and will now save instead of being temporary. This command also takes into account of raggibs
- Added missing GeneralEcchi's particles
- Separated particles files

- Combineguard now immune to MegaPhyscannon primary/secondary attacks
- Zombie torsos now take 2x more damage cause they shouldn't be that thick
- Zombie torsos now bleed as part of their lives
- Increased knockback when kicking Zombie torsos

- Fixed mapadd instant_trig not working with no origin specified
- Fixed headcrab convulsions allowing them to experience dreams of flight after death
- Fixed player's arms/legs reverting back to citizen after load/death
- Fixed npc_turret_floor death stacking
- Fixed NPCs duplicating ragdolls on death when megacannon is enabled (console enabled still causes problems though)

- Added missing sounds for weapon_alyxgun
- Added missing textures for weapon_physgun
- Added missing sounds for weapon_physgun

- New Map: ep1_c17_02b
- Re-enabled food on all maps. converted lunchboxes to item_foodcrate.
- Removed duplicate suspicious package.
- Removed some foods at level start.
- fixed commenting error -__-


v0.5.8a -- 2021.04.02

New Base Build v0.5.8a

- Dissolved ragdolls float higher now
- Fixed some unintentional dissolving death outcomes
- Fixed being able to shove NPCs in script
- Equipment kits now uses default maps on all maps. Specific maps has priority
- Kicking a solid Equipment kit will stumble NPCs
- Fixed unable to punch after map transition
- Naming convention changed to vX.X.X rather than vX.XX. So version is now v0.5.8a
- Equipment Kits now support wildcard maps
- Fixed Airboat going nuts
- Fixed Zombine being unshoveable
- Fixed CombineE/SG/P being unshoveable
- Fixed a looooot of stuff I can't remember what anymore
- Cleaned up a lot of files that aren't in use
- Support returned for HL2 Barney/Mossman/Orangebox Vorts

EFFECTS (Thanks GeneralEcchi)
- New gib effects
- New headshot effects

- Base Implementation
- Has most of instant_trig support
- RemoveEntity
- Precache
- Labeled Groups
- weapon_physgun and weapon_clipboard added
- Some mapadds by BIZ

- sm_mapadd_getentitylocation
- sm_mapadd_getplayerlocation
- sm_mapadd_show_triggerbounds
- sm_mapadd_show_printout
- .move
- .rotate
- .sequence
- givemapaddtools
- sm_use_barney_hl2_model
- sm_use_mossman_hl2_model
- sm_use_vortigaunt_classic_model


v0.5.7a -- 2021.02.21

-npc_equipment_kits 2.0 added.
-Basically a merger between smod's npc_shieldset and my previous npc_equipment_kits
-This time it's split into two text files, npc_equipment.txt and npc_equipment_kits.txt
-Supports classname and targetname
-Not much of a tutorial, but see the text files for examples on how to use them
-In the text files there are many examples of how to use them and what parameters that can be set. Do look through those!
-Try them out yourself, fiddle with the script. See models/sourceenthusiast/ for more models of equipment kits

-Base implementation of weapon_custom added
-Polished weapon recoil
-SMG1 stats now editable

-Updated bsmodittachments.mdl
-Updated many attachments relative to female/male bodies
-Gave universal attachments to humanoids (eg. forward, eyes, LHand, RHand)
-Classic SMOD Dissolve returned with some refinements
-Fixed brain gibs spawning blood away from itself
-npc_replace_model.txt now allows specification of female/male models.
eg. "npc_citizen;f" means Female. Males use m.
-Fixed NPC bullet spread
-Fixed NPC shooting NPCs on deathanimation and ragdolls

-sm_citizen_refugee_as_rebel; To prevent clipping with equipment kits, game uses refugee models and rebels instead
-sm_npc_enable_equipmentkits; Enables equipment kits to apply on NPCs

-SourceEnthusiast; for providing so many assets for equipment kits.
-Luc1dox; for helping flesh out some features for equipment kits.


v0.5.6a -- 2021/01/29

- Fixed Gordon kick on ragdolls (should behave more like smod now).
- Added sprint for suitless Gordon.
- Fixed player still able to attack after death.
- Fixed sm_gordon_kickfirerate command.
- Added Powerstomp feature; Do a super jump to power stomp on the ground/enemies.

- Restored citizen yakyak gestures.
- Restored citizen betrayal speech.

- Zombies will no longer do jiu jitsu.
- Fixed Zombies double hand attack damage (Valve used the wrong code).
- Zombies blood is default red unless headshotted then its yellow.
- Fixed Zombies not gibbing.
- Fixed Headcrabs not getting shot off.
- Fixed Torsos and Legs not spawning.

- Fixed zombies being able to hang.

- Fixed props that ragdoll, giving out blood on collision.
- Fixed corpses not spawning.
- Fixed raggib spawns.
- Reduced the number of damage taken in a deathanimation to ragdoll.
- Shoving an NPC at a door will swing it open.
- Reduced ragdoll shove kill force.
- Fixed shove animations resetting when players are touching NPCs on shove.
- Fixed sm_airboat_noflip command.
- NPCs will sometimes shoot the corpses after killing them.
- Updated keyboard key listing.
- Added NPC fall damage sounds.
- Unlocks all chapters on game start.

- Cleaned up female/male gestures + animations.
- Separated NPC attachments into a different file called bsmodittachments.mdl. This file is used to customise your own attachments on NPCs for the upcoming equipment_kits.
- Polished NPC reloads, recoil for both male and female skeletons for SMG1.



v0.5.5a -- 2021/01/24

- Reduced npc_metropolice melee attack interval (cops were on roids back then).
- Polished up NPC melee. NPC unarmed combat now has light attacks (fists) and heavy attacks (kick).
- Light attacks have a small chance to stumble an enemy, while heavy will always stumble.
- Reduced NPC kick speed.
- NPC unarmed combat kills actually apply correct forces to dead bodies now.
- NPCs on deathanimation will flinch when attacked, and will ragdoll if taken too much damage.
- Added flinches again; Improved Flinch handling.
- Added custom recoils to NPCs for SMG1 and AR2 (for now).

- DMG_CLUB will not trigger death animations anymore (This means most melee weapons, as well as NPC unarmed combat).
- Cleaned up bsmodimations_male.mdl.
- Cleaned up a bit of bsmodigesures_male.mdl (will continue to do so next patch).
- Added CS:S TMP reload support.
- Switched AnimPrefix of SMG1 to "TMP".

- Fixed an apparent 2 year old bug with shove that nobody noticed :X.
- Fixed backward shotgun deathanimation not playing.
- Fixed NPCs that are special not having blood/gibs (Kleiner, Alyx etc...).
- Fixed Stalker not having blood/gibs.
- Fixed a bug with some NPCs ragdoll unable to bleed/gib.

- NPC will hang on a ledge when shoved off of it.
- Allied NPCs will try to save hanging NPCs.
- Use sm_experiment 1 to activate (MALE ONLY).



v0.5.4a -- 2020/01/17

- Mod no longer needs "upcoming" on Source SDK 2013 Singleplayer. Please set beta back to "none". (Thanks Zoldat)

- Kick sound returned.
- Additional kick features (kick door/ammo crate/unfreezephysics) returned.

- Fixed a small bug with NPCs turning when taking damage.
- Fixed the falling bug on NPCs when they aren't falling.
- Fixed npc_replace_model and added support to all humanoids for now.
- This also stops NPCs from being in the ground and not being able to play their scripts.

- Can now spawn odessa via npc_odessa
- Can now spawn medics via npc_citizen_medic
- Can now spawn ammo resupply via npc_citizen_ammo
- Can now spawn rebels via npc_citizen_rebel
- Can now spawn downtrodden via npc_citizen_downtrodden
- Can now spawn refugees via npc_citizen_refugee
- npc_metropolice won't attempt to pull out a pistol anymore if he doesn't have one.
- npc_odessa can be used uniquely in npc_replace_model.txt
- Can now spawn Elite via npc_combine_e
- Can now spawn Prisonguard via npc_combine_p
- Can now spawn Shotgunner via npc_combine_sg
- NPC melee for some NPCs restored. Needs a cleanup, but for now this will have to do.
- NPCs can drop weapon_citizenpackage on death.
- Increased Breen/Eli/Kleiner/Magnusson's health to 40.
- NPCs killed by prop punts and physics objects do not play deathanimations.


v0.5.3a -- 2020/01/14

- Fixed NPCs falling while having rappel waiting animation.
- Brain gibs float in water.
- Improved NPC detection of a ledge when shoved.
- Fixed NPCs killed by Fall Damage bouncing up.
- Improved NPCs falling detection.
- Fixed cardboard boxes being spies.
- Fixed vortigaunt deathanimations not playing.
- npc_replace_model returned.


v0.5.2a -- 2021.01.13

- Ragdoll options returned.
- Deathanimations restored.
- NPC shove now uses octagonal directions for a much more accurate shove direction. This makes it easier to control where you want NPCs to move.
- NPC shove into wall restored.
- NPC animation when shoved with a weapon restored (NPC with weapons scripts that has "AnimPrefix" set to pistol or crowbar will not play this animation).
- NPC killed will also pass his name to the weapon he's holding. Eg. Bob dies, his dropped weapon name is now "Bob_weapon".
- NPC fall damage restored, with some polishing to fall damage and improved handling.
- Able to kick NPCs off edges restored, improved handling.
- Kicking an NPC into another NPC will cause the second NPC to stumble too lmao.

- sm_npc_has_deathanimation returned.
- sm_npc_has_deathanimation_headshot returned.


v0.5.1a -- 2021/01/10

- Headshot gibs now spouts only brain gibs.
- Ragdoll gibbing restored.
- Improved handling of ragdoll gibbing.
- Improved raggib velocities.
- Raggibs that spawn in the ground will delete itself to prevent crashing.
- npc_gib_model.txt now supports "targetname". Named ragdolls will gib according to script.
- Added "Health" and "CollisionType" to ent_text for ragdolls, gib2 and raggibs.
- NPCs with names, will pass their name onto ragdoll, with _corpse. Eg, Bob dies, Bob's ragdoll is named "Bob_corpse".
- Ragdolls with names, will pass their name onto gibs. Eg, Bob_corpse when gibbed, his gibs will be named "Bob_corpse_gibs". Targetname gibbed ragdolls will know what to do.
- No gib effects at the moment.
- Foundation for NPC additional actions added.
- Primitive kick shove restored.
- Added subtitles (lol).
- Renamed some soundscripts in game_sounds_bsmod.txt.
- Renamed some sound files.

- sm_ragdoll_takefalldamage; Allows ragdolls to take damage from falling impact
- sm_ragdoll_physforce properly scales damage force now.
- sm_gore_gibhealth changed to sm_ragdoll_health (classic SMOD command)
- sm_gore_gib_health added; specify gib2/raggib healthpoints before breaking. Set -1 for unbreakable.
- sm_ragdoll_health; specify ragdoll health. Set -1 for unbreakable.
- sm_gore_gib_collisiontype; specify gib2/raggib collisiontype
- sm_gore_gib_candestroy removed; Use sm_gore_gib_health instead

I was playing around with ragdoll convulsions and I realised that you can create a quite a bit of cool convulsions, from classic SMOD to twitches to gasping for life (gotta use a little imagination). So I setup some commands to customise your own convulsions:

- sm_ragdoll_convulsion_strength; Base strength of the convulsion
- sm_ragdoll_convulsion_magnitude; Max magnitude of convulsions, will decrease overtime
- sm_ragdoll_convulsion_interval; Max intervals between convulsions
- sm_ragdoll_convulsion_startdelay; Max seconds before starting
- sm_ragdoll_convulsion_amplifyscale; Amplify the whole thing
- sm_ragdoll_convulsion_length; Max length of convulsion


v0.50a -- 2021/01/07

- Punch.
- Block.
- Added suit/suitless model.
- Gib2 added + cleanup.
- Ragdoll cleanup.
- Raggib added + cleanup (Cleanup uses ragdoll).
- StickyGibs added + cleanup (Cleanup uses gib2).
- ShootingRange Map.
- Foundation for NPCs.
- NPCs gore gibs spawn (bones and brain gibs).
- Improved sticky gib detection.
- Improved ragdoll convulsuion.

- g_gib2_maxcount
- g_debug_gib2_removal
- g_ragdoll_maxcount has been changed to be permanent instead of temp